log (EN)
substantivo, verbo

substantivo “log”

sg. log, pl. logs or uncountable
  1. tronco
    After the trees were cut down, all that remained was a pile of logs.
  2. registro detalhado
    After every call, the customer service representative updates the log with details of the conversation.
  3. diário de bordo
    The captain diligently recorded the day's events and navigational details in the ship's log every evening.
  4. logaritmo
    To solve the equation, first find the log of each side.

verbo “log”

log; he logs; past logged, part. logged; ger. logging
  1. derrubar (árvores)
    The company logged hundreds of trees to clear land for the new highway.
  2. registrar
    Every day, she logs her meals and exercises in a health app.
  3. anotar no diário de bordo
    After each voyage, the captain logged the distance sailed in the ship's logbook.
  4. percorrer (distância registrada em diário de bordo)
    The captain logged 300 miles on the ship's journey across the sea.