introduction (EN)

နာမ် “introduction”

sg. introduction, pl. introductions or uncountable
  1. the act of starting to use or include something new, or bringing it to a place for the first time
    The introduction of smartphones changed the way we communicate and access information.
  2. a way to formally or officially present one person to another
    At the networking event, Sarah handed Mark an introduction letter from her mentor, hoping it would make a strong first impression.
  3. the first time someone experiences or encounters something
    The cooking class served as my introduction to Italian cuisine.
  4. the beginning part of a book or article that explains what will be discussed
    Before diving into the complex theories, the textbook's introduction provides a helpful overview of the basic concepts.
  5. a book or course designed for beginners of a particular subject
    "Mathematics for Beginners: An Introduction" is the perfect starting point for anyone new to the subject.
  6. a brief opening segment of a musical piece
    The song starts with a slow, piano introduction before the drums kick in.