ot “introduction”
yakka introduction, koʻplik introductions yoki sanalmaydigan
- yangilikni joriy etish yoki birinchi marta biror joyga olib kelish
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
The introduction of smartphones changed the way we communicate and access information.
- bir kishini boshqasiga rasmiy yoki rasmiy bo'lmagan tarzda tanishtirish
At the networking event, Sarah handed Mark an introduction letter from her mentor, hoping it would make a strong first impression.
- biror narsa bilan birinchi marta tanishish yoki uchrashish
The cooking class served as my introduction to Italian cuisine.
- kitob yoki maqolaning muhokama qilinadigan mavzularni tushuntirib beruvchi boshlang'ich qismi
Before diving into the complex theories, the textbook's introduction provides a helpful overview of the basic concepts.
- ma'lum bir mavzu bo'yicha boshlanuvchilar uchun mo'ljallangan kitob yoki kurs
"Mathematics for Beginners: An Introduction" is the perfect starting point for anyone new to the subject.
- musiqiy asarning qisqa kirish qismi
The song starts with a slow, piano introduction before the drums kick in.