ədˈvæns US ədˈvɑːns UK

advance (EN)
kata kerja, kata nama, kata sifat

kata kerja “advance”

infinitif advance; dia advances; l.b. advanced; l.t. advanced; ger. advancing
  1. membangun atau maju
    As we continue our research, our understanding of the human genome advances every day.
  2. memajukan
    The new policy was designed to advance the company's commitment to sustainability.
  3. bergerak ke depan atau lebih dekat
    The troops advanced steadily through the dense forest, aiming to reach the clearing by dawn.
  4. menyebabkan sesuatu berlaku lebih awal daripada yang dirancang
    Due to the urgency of the project, we decided to advance the meeting to tomorrow morning.
  5. mencadangkan atau mengemukakan (idea)
    During the meeting, she advanced the idea of working remotely on Fridays.
  6. menjadi lebih berjaya
    Despite the challenges, she advanced quickly in her career, becoming a manager in just two years.
  7. maju dalam masa atau menuju penyelesaian
    As the project advanced, the team became more confident in their success.
  8. menaikkan harga atau kadar
    Due to the drought, the supermarket advanced the price of vegetables significantly.
  9. memberi wang atau nilai dengan harapan pembayaran balik atau kerja di masa depan
    The company advanced him $5000 to cover his relocation expenses before he started his new job.

kata nama “advance”

tunggal advance, jamak advances atau tak boleh dikira
  1. peningkatan atau kemajuan dalam sesuatu
    The discovery of penicillin was a significant advance in medical science.
  2. pergerakan ke depan
    The chess player's advance of his pawn put his opponent in check.
  3. melakukan sesuatu sebelum masa yang dijangka
    Tickets must be purchased in advance to secure a seat at the concert.
  4. wang yang diberikan sebagai pinjaman atau sebelum waktunya
    The company offered him an advance on his salary to help cover his unexpected medical bills.
  5. kenaikan harga
    The bookstore announced an advance in the price of all bestsellers starting next month.
  6. pendekatan seksual yang tidak diingini
    Despite her clear disinterest, he persisted with his advances, making her increasingly uncomfortable.

kata sifat “advance”

bentuk asas advance, tidak boleh digredkan
  1. dilakukan sebelum perlu (dilakukan lebih awal daripada yang diperlukan)
    She received an advance salary payment to help with her unexpected medical bills.
  2. menggambarkan kumpulan yang bergerak lebih dahulu daripada kumpulan utama
    The advance team was sent ahead to secure the campsite before the rest of the hikers arrived.
  3. ditempatkan di depan atau lebih ke hadapan
    The army established an advance base closer to enemy lines for strategic advantage.