
advance (EN)
sögn, Nafnorð, lýsingarorð

sögn “advance”

nafnháttur advance; hann advances; þátíð advanced; lh. þt. advanced; nhm. advancing
  1. að þróast
    As we continue our research, our understanding of the human genome advances every day.
  2. að stuðla að
    The new policy was designed to advance the company's commitment to sustainability.
  3. að færa sig nær eða áfram
    The troops advanced steadily through the dense forest, aiming to reach the clearing by dawn.
  4. að flýta fyrir (atburði eða áætlun)
    Due to the urgency of the project, we decided to advance the meeting to tomorrow morning.
  5. að leggja fram (hugmynd)
    During the meeting, she advanced the idea of working remotely on Fridays.
  6. að ná meiri árangri
    Despite the challenges, she advanced quickly in her career, becoming a manager in just two years.
  7. að miða áfram í tíma eða að fullnustu
    As the project advanced, the team became more confident in their success.
  8. að hækka verð eða vexti
    Due to the drought, the supermarket advanced the price of vegetables significantly.
  9. að útvega peninga eða verðmæti í væntanlegri endurgreiðslu eða vinnu
    The company advanced him $5000 to cover his relocation expenses before he started his new job.

Nafnorð “advance”

eintala advance, fleirtala advances eða óteljanlegt
  1. framför
    The discovery of penicillin was a significant advance in medical science.
  2. framrás
    The chess player's advance of his pawn put his opponent in check.
  3. framkvæmd fyrir áætlaðan tíma
    Tickets must be purchased in advance to secure a seat at the concert.
  4. forskot (peningar gefnir sem lán eða áður en þeir eru skuldsettir)
    The company offered him an advance on his salary to help cover his unexpected medical bills.
  5. verðhækkun
    The bookstore announced an advance in the price of all bestsellers starting next month.
  6. óæskilegar kynferðislegar nálganir
    Despite her clear disinterest, he persisted with his advances, making her increasingly uncomfortable.

lýsingarorð “advance”

grunnform advance, ekki stigbreytanlegt
  1. framkvæmd fyrir nauðsyn (lýsingarorð)
    She received an advance salary payment to help with her unexpected medical bills.
  2. lýsandi hóp sem fer á undan aðalhópnum
    The advance team was sent ahead to secure the campsite before the rest of the hikers arrived.
  3. staðsettur á undan eða frammi
    The army established an advance base closer to enemy lines for strategic advantage.