spread (EN)
क्रियापद, नाम

क्रियापद “spread”

spread; he spreads; past spread, part. spread; ger. spreading
  1. पसरवणे
    She spread the picnic blanket over the grassy patch in the park.
  2. विस्तारणे
    The peacock spread its feathers, displaying a magnificent array of colors.
  3. समानरित्या पसरवणे
    I spread the toys evenly on the floor so that the toddler had to practice walking over longer distances.
  4. प्रसार होणे
    Rumors about the surprise party spread through the office like wildfire.
  5. प्रसारित करणे
    The news about the mayor's resignation spread through the town like wildfire.
  6. वाढणे (आकार किंवा क्षेत्रफळात)
    The stain from the spilled juice spread across the tablecloth, covering more area by the second.
  7. लेपणे (पातळ स्तराचे)
    He carefully spread the cream cheese over the surface of the bagel.

नाम “spread”

sg. spread, pl. spreads or uncountable
  1. प्रसार (वाढ)
    The rapid spread of the wildfire prompted officials to evacuate several nearby communities.
  2. विविधता
    The festival showcased a wide spread of cultures, featuring music and food from all around the world.
  3. प्रसार क्षेत्र
    The disease's spread covered several counties, alarming health officials.
  4. दुहेरी पृष्ठ जाहिरात किंवा लेख
    The fashion magazine featured a stunning spread of the latest summer trends across the centerfold.
  5. समोरासमोर असलेली दोन पाने
    When she opened the magazine, a colorful spread of the latest fashion trends lay before her.
  6. पसरवण्याचे पदार्थ (ब्रेडवर लावण्यासाठी)
    For breakfast, I topped my toast with a thick layer of strawberry spread.
  7. मोठे जेवण (टेबलावर पसरवलेले)
    When we arrived at the family reunion, we were greeted by an impressive spread of homemade dishes covering every inch of the dining table.
  8. पसरणी (उदा. बेडस्प्रेड)
    She bought a colorful quilted spread to brighten up her bedroom.
  9. फरक (आर्थिक संख्या, उदा. खरेदी आणि विक्री दरातील)
    The spread between the bid and ask price of the stock was unusually wide, indicating low liquidity in the market.