right (EN)
īpašības vārds, apstākļa vārds, izsauciens, lietvārds, darbības vārds

īpašības vārds “right”

right, non-gradable
  1. pareizs
    He guessed the right number of candies in the jar.
  2. piemērots
    Did you bring the right shoes for hiking?
  3. pareizs (spriežot par kaut ko)
    You were right to bring an umbrella; it started raining as soon as we left the house.
  4. morāli labs
    Helping the lost child find her parents was the right thing to do.
  5. jūtas labi
    After the long hike, my legs didn't feel right for days.
  6. taisns (leņķis)
    The ladder was placed in such a way that it made a right angle with the ground.
  7. labais
    Turn right at the next street to reach the library.
  8. labais (krasts, skatoties pa straumei)
    The village was on the right bank of the river.

apstākļa vārds “right”

  1. pa labi
    When you reach the end of the hallway, go right to find the bathroom.
  2. tieši
    He placed the book right on the corner of the desk.
  3. tieši (blakus)
    Don't you see? The keys are right there on the table.
  4. nekavējoties
    I'll take a short break and be right back.
  5. pareizi
    He answered all the questions right and scored the highest in the class.
  6. morāli labi
    He acted right by returning the lost wallet to its owner.

izsauciens “right”

  1. labi
    We should leave now to catch the movie on time. — Right, let's hurry.
  2. labi (klausoties)
    I think it's going to rain all weekend. — Right, so what are you going to do?
  3. vai ne?
    We're meeting at 6 p.m., right?
  4. nu protams (ironiski)
    He said he's never eaten candy in his life. ― Right, and I'm the Queen of England.

lietvārds “right”

sg. right, pl. rights or uncountable
  1. labā puse
    Turn left at the corner, and you'll see the post office on the right.
  2. tiesības
    Everyone has the right to express their opinion freely.
  3. morālā labestība
    Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between right and wrong.
  4. labējie
    In the recent election, the right gained a significant number of seats in the parliament.

darbības vārds “right”

right; he rights; past righted, part. righted; ger. righting
  1. padarīt morāli labu
    She dedicated her life to righting the injustices faced by her community.
  2. atkal nostādīt vertikāli
    After the storm, the villagers worked together to right the lamppost blocking the road.