k (EN)
burts, lietvārds, izsauciens, simbols, simbols

Šis vārds var būt arī forma no:
K (burts, lietvārds, izsauciens, simbols)

burts “k”

  1. burta "K" mazais burts
    The word "knee" starts with the letter "k", although you can't hear it.

lietvārds “k”

sg. k, pl. ks, k's or uncountable
  1. vienība, kas apzīmē 1024 baitus
    The document is only 20k in size, so it should download quickly.
  2. vienība, kas apzīmē 1024 bitus, bieži izmantota, lai aprakstītu interneta ātrumu
    My internet speed is only 500k, so downloading large files takes forever.
  3. sarunvalodas izteiciens attāluma mērvienībai, kas vienāda ar 1000 metriem
    The race was only 5k, but it felt like much more.
  4. sarunvalodas izteiciens tūkstoša apzīmēšanai
    She hopes to raise 10k for charity by running the marathon.

izsauciens “k”

  1. colloquial, used in text messaging and Internet slang to mean agreement or acknowledgment
    "Can you meet me at 5 pm?" "K, see you then!"

simbols “k”

  1. nozīmē, ka vienība tiek reizināta ar 1000
    It's 5 km away.

simbols “k”

  1. ģeoloģijā simbols, ko izmanto, lai apzīmētu, cik viegli šķidrumi var iziet cauri materiālam
    The high k value of the sandstone indicates it allows water to flow through it easily.
  2. simbols, kas apzīmē atsperes stingrību
    The formula F = kx shows that the force needed to stretch or compress a spring is directly proportional to the stretched distance.
  3. Bolcmaņa konstante (fizikas konstante, kas saista enerģiju daļiņu līmenī ar temperatūru)
    In the equation for gas entropy, S = k ln(W), "k" represents Boltzmann's constant.