lietvārds “consistency”
vienskaitlis consistency, daudzskaitlis consistencies vai neizsakāms
- konsekvence
Reģistrējieties, lai redzētu piemēru teikumu tulkojumus un vienvalodas definīcijas katram vārdam.
Despite her busy schedule, she practices piano every day with remarkable consistency.
- konsistence
To make the perfect cake, add flour until the batter reaches a smooth consistency.
- saskaņotība (harmonija starp dažādām daļām)
Before submitting your work, ensure there is consistency between the figures and the data in your report.
- loģiskuma un saskaņotības īpašība
The detective noted that his explanation of events lacks consistency.
- (loģikā) īpašība, kas piemīt apgalvojumu kopai, kas nav pretrunā viens ar otru
In order to establish a reliable theorem, the consistency of the axioms is crucial in mathematical proofs.