
consistency (EN)

名詞 “consistency”

単数形 consistency、複数形 consistencies または不可算
  1. 一貫性
    Despite her busy schedule, she practices piano every day with remarkable consistency.
  2. 濃度
    To make the perfect cake, add flour until the batter reaches a smooth consistency.
  3. 一致 (異なる部分の調和)
    Before submitting your work, ensure there is consistency between the figures and the data in your report.
  4. 論理的で一貫性があること。
    The detective noted that his explanation of events lacks consistency.
  5. (論理学で)互いに矛盾しない一連の命題の性質。
    In order to establish a reliable theorem, the consistency of the axioms is crucial in mathematical proofs.