kata benda “consistency”
tunggal consistency, jamak consistencies atau tak terhitung
- konsistensi (keadaan selalu berperilaku atau tampil dengan cara yang serupa)
Daftar untuk melihat terjemahan contoh kalimat dan definisi monolingual dari setiap kata.
Despite her busy schedule, she practices piano every day with remarkable consistency.
- kekentalan
To make the perfect cake, add flour until the batter reaches a smooth consistency.
- keselarasan
Before submitting your work, ensure there is consistency between the figures and the data in your report.
- kualitas menjadi logis dan koheren
The detective noted that his explanation of events lacks consistency.
- (properti dalam logika) sifat dari sekumpulan pernyataan yang tidak saling bertentangan satu sama lain
In order to establish a reliable theorem, the consistency of the axioms is crucial in mathematical proofs.