
chimney (EN)

lietvārds “chimney”

viensk. chimney, daudzsk. chimneys
  1. Skurstenis
    The old house had a large fireplace with a brick chimney that needed cleaning every year.
  2. stikla caurule, kas apņem un aizsargā eļļas lampas liesmu
    He carefully placed the chimney over the oil lamp's flame to prevent it from flickering in the wind.
  3. Skurstenis (klinšu kāpšanā, šaura vertikāla plaisa vai eja klints virsmā, kas ir pietiekami plata, lai kāpējs varētu tajā ietilpt)
    The climber wedged himself into the chimney and slowly pushed upward using his hands and feet against the walls.