
type (EN)
noun, verb

noun “type”

Singular type, Plural types
  1. Typ
    We saw many different types of animals at the zoo.
  2. Typ (d'Zort vu Persoun, zu där een ugezunn ass)
    She's just not his type.
  3. Typ (Persoun)
    The cafe was filled with artistic types discussing their work.
  4. Schrëft (Dréckerei, Buschtawen oder Zeechen déi beim Drécken benotzt ginn)
    The headline was printed in bold type.
  5. Typ (Informatik, eng Kategorie vun Daten an Programméiersproochen, wéi z. B. ganz Zuelen oder Zeechestringen)
    You must declare the type of each variable in this program.
  6. Blutgrupp
    The doctor checked his type before the transfusion.
  7. Typ (Biologie, e Spezimen dat als Referenz fir d'Definitioun vun enger Aart benotzt gëtt)
    The type specimen of this butterfly is kept in the museum.

verb “type”

Infinitiv type; hien types; Verg. typed; Part. Verg. typed; Ger. typing
  1. tippen
    She typed an email to her colleague.
  2. eppes klassifizéieren oder kategoriséieren
    The scientists typed the bacteria based on their genetic makeup.
  3. typiséieren (Blutt)
    The nurse typed his blood before the operation.