
type (EN)
Substantiv, Verb

Substantiv “type”

Sg. type, Pl. types
  1. Typ
    We saw many different types of animals at the zoo.
  2. Typ (die Art von Person, zu der jemand hingezogen ist)
    She's just not his type.
  3. Typ (Person)
    The cafe was filled with artistic types discussing their work.
  4. Drucktype (Druckwesen, Buchstaben oder Zeichen, die im Druck verwendet werden)
    The headline was printed in bold type.
  5. Typ (Informatik, eine Kategorie von Daten in Programmiersprachen, wie Ganzzahl oder Zeichenkette)
    You must declare the type of each variable in this program.
  6. Blutgruppe
    The doctor checked his type before the transfusion.
  7. Typ (Biologie, ein Exemplar, das als Referenz zur Definition einer Art dient)
    The type specimen of this butterfly is kept in the museum.

Verb “type”

Infinitiv type; er types; Prät. typed; Part. typed; Ger. typing
  1. tippen
    She typed an email to her colleague.
  2. etwas klassifizieren oder kategorisieren
    The scientists typed the bacteria based on their genetic makeup.
  3. typisieren (Blutgruppe bestimmen)
    The nurse typed his blood before the operation.