
stop (EN)
verb, noun

verb “stop”

stop; he stops; past stopped, part. stopped; ger. stopping
  1. ophalen
    The train stopped at the station to pick up passengers.
  2. ophalen (eppes ophalen)
    She stopped the car to let the pedestrians cross.
  3. ophalen (mat enger Aktivitéit ophalen)
    He stopped working at six o'clock and went home.
  4. verhënneren
    We need to stop the spread of the disease.
  5. verstoppen
    He used a rag to stop the leak in the pipe.
  6. blenden
    She stopped down the lens to f/16 to increase the depth of field.
  7. gräifen
    The guitarist stopped the string to play a higher note.
  8. als Plosiv aussoen
    In some accents, speakers stop the "t" sound in "water".

noun “stop”

sg. stop, pl. stops
  1. Arrêt
    She waited at the bus stop for her ride home.
  2. Paus
    They made a quick stop at the store to buy supplies.
  3. Hindernis
    The roadblock was a stop to all traffic entering the area.
  4. Stopp
    He installed door stops to prevent the doors from slamming shut.
  5. Blend
    Increasing the exposure by one stop made the photo brighter.
  6. Plosiv
    The word "top" starts and ends with stop consonants.
  7. Register
    The organist pulled out all the stops for the final piece.
  8. Punkt
    Be sure to place a stop at the end of each sentence.
  9. Punkt
    The radio operator said, "Message received. Stop." to indicate the end of the sentence.
  10. Paraden
    The goalkeeper's brilliant stop kept his team in the game.
  11. Stoppquark
    Scientists are searching for evidence of the stop in particle accelerators.