
stop (EN)
فعل، اسم

فعل “stop”

stop; he stops; past stopped, part. stopped; ger. stopping
  1. رکنا
    The train stopped at the station to pick up passengers.
  2. روکنا
    She stopped the car to let the pedestrians cross.
  3. بند کرنا
    He stopped working at six o'clock and went home.
  4. روکنا (کسی چیز کو ہونے یا جاری رہنے سے)
    We need to stop the spread of the disease.
  5. بند کرنا (سوراخ یا کھلنے کو)
    He used a rag to stop the leak in the pipe.
  6. ایڈجسٹ کرنا (کیمرے کے لینس کی یپرچر کو)
    She stopped down the lens to f/16 to increase the depth of field.
  7. دبانا (ساز کی تار کو)
    The guitarist stopped the string to play a higher note.
  8. ادا کرنا (آواز کو بطور سٹاپ کنسوننٹ)
    In some accents, speakers stop the "t" sound in "water".

اسم “stop”

sg. stop, pl. stops
  1. اسٹاپ
    She waited at the bus stop for her ride home.
  2. توقف
    They made a quick stop at the store to buy supplies.
  3. رکاوٹ
    The roadblock was a stop to all traffic entering the area.
  4. آلہ (حرکت کو روکنے یا محدود کرنے کے لیے)
    He installed door stops to prevent the doors from slamming shut.
  5. اسٹاپ (روشنی کی مقدار کو دوگنا یا آدھا کرنے کی اکائی)
    Increasing the exposure by one stop made the photo brighter.
  6. سٹاپ کنسوننٹ
    The word "top" starts and ends with stop consonants.
  7. اسٹاپ (آرگن پر ہوا کے بہاؤ کو کنٹرول کرنے والا)
    The organist pulled out all the stops for the final piece.
  8. فل اسٹاپ
    Be sure to place a stop at the end of each sentence.
  9. اسٹاپ (ریڈیو مواصلات میں فل اسٹاپ کی نمائندگی کے لیے)
    The radio operator said, "Message received. Stop." to indicate the end of the sentence.
  10. بچاؤ (گول کو روکنے کی کارروائی)
    The goalkeeper's brilliant stop kept his team in the game.
  11. سٹاپ (ٹاپ کوارک کا سپرپارٹنر)
    Scientists are searching for evidence of the stop in particle accelerators.