sfɪɚ US sfɪə UK

sphere (EN)

noun “sphere”

Singular sphere, Plural spheres oder onzieleg
  1. a shape in three dimensions that is perfectly round, with every cross-section being a circle
    A globe is a perfect example of a sphere, with its surface equidistant from the center at all points.
  2. the area where someone or something is most active or has influence
    In the world of fashion, her sphere of influence extends far beyond the runway.
  3. in old astronomy, one of the layers of transparent globes thought to surround the Earth
    In ancient times, people believed that the stars were fixed to invisible spheres that revolved around the Earth.
  4. in mythology, the specific realm where a planet or god operates
    In ancient mythology, Venus held dominion over the sphere of love and beauty, influencing all within her realm.