noun “kind”
Singular kind, Plural kinds
- Zort
Mellen Iech un, fir d'Iwwersetzungen vun den Beispillsätz an d'monolingual Definitioune vun all Wuert ze gesinn.
What kind of books do you like to read?
- Zort (net genau datselwecht)
She cooked a kind of soup using leftover vegetables.
- Gläichzäitegkeet
He smiled at her, and she responded in kind.
- Naturalien
The villagers paid their rent in kind, offering crops instead of cash.
- ee vun den Elementer (Brout oder Wäin), déi am chrëschtleche Kommuniounsdéngscht benotzt ginn
The congregation received both kinds during the service.
adjective “kind”
kind, Komp. kinder, Sup. kindest
- léif
She is always kind to animals and takes care of them.
- gënschteg
The sunny weather was kind to the farmers' crops this season.