
kind (EN)
명사, 형용사

명사 “kind”

sg. kind, pl. kinds
  1. 종류
    What kind of books do you like to read?
  2. 일종
    She cooked a kind of soup using leftover vegetables.
  3. 동일한 방식
    He smiled at her, and she responded in kind.
  4. 현물
    The villagers paid their rent in kind, offering crops instead of cash.
  5. 기독교 성찬식에서 사용되는 요소 중 하나(빵 또는 포도주)
    The congregation received both kinds during the service.

형용사 “kind”

kind, kinder, kindest
  1. 친절한
    She is always kind to animals and takes care of them.
  2. 유익한 (좋은 결과를 가져오는)
    The sunny weather was kind to the farmers' crops this season.