ˈkʰɑːmplɛks US ˈkʰɒmplɛks UK

complex (EN)
adjective, noun

adjective “complex”

Grondform complex (more/most)
  1. consisting of multiple parts that are connected in a complicated way
    The human brain is a complex organ with many interconnected parts.
  2. in mathematics, a number that can be expressed in the form of a + bi, where "a" and "b" are real numbers and "i" is the square root of -1
    In our math class, we learned how to add and subtract complex numbers.

noun “complex”

Singular complex, Plural complexes
  1. a group of buildings or facilities located together and used for a similar function
    The new apartment complex has a gym, a pool, and a small park for residents.
  2. interconnected systems
    Concerns about the growing power of the military-industrial complex have led to increased scrutiny and debate among policymakers and the public.
  3. in psychoanalysis, a set of related, often repressed, feelings and thoughts that influence an individual's behavior
    His fear of abandonment is thought to stem from a complex developed in early childhood.
  4. in chemistry, a compound formed from a central atom or molecule bonded to surrounding atoms or molecules
    The biochemistry lecture covered how enzyme-substrate complexes are essential for metabolic reactions.