
invoice (EN)
аталыш сөз, этиш

аталыш сөз “invoice”

жекелик invoice, көптүк invoices
  1. эсеп-фактура
    The company sent me an invoice for the work they completed last month.
  2. эсеп-фактура (сатуучу өндүрүүчүгө төлөй турган баа)
    The dealer is selling the car at just above invoice.

этиш “invoice”

инфинитив invoice; ал invoices; өткөн чак invoiced; өткөн пат. invoiced; гер. invoicing
  1. эсеп-фактура жөнөтүү
    The contractor invoiced the client for the completed work.
  2. эсеп-фактура даярдоо
    She is invoicing all the orders that came in today.