close (EN)
этиш, аталыш сөз, сын атооч

этиш “close”

close; he closes; past closed, part. closed; ger. closing
  1. жабуу
    As the wind picked up, she quickly closed the window to keep the cold air out.
  2. тосуу
    The road was closed, so we had to find another way.
  3. ишин токтотуу (уақыттык)
    The library closes at 6 p.m. every Friday.
  4. күндүн аягындагы иштерди аяктоо
    Who closed last night? You have to lock the door when you leave!
  5. клапанды же демпферди жабуу (суюктук агымын токтотуу үчүн)
    When I noticed the sink was overflowing, I quickly closed the tap to stop the water from running.
  6. күйгүзгүчтү же автоматты жабуу (электр агымын берүү үчүн)
    When the technician closed the circuit, the lights throughout the building flickered on.
  7. аяктоо
    After a lengthy discussion, the committee decided to close the meeting with a vote on the proposal.
  8. сатууну жыйынтыктоо
    After a week of negotiations, the sales representative finally closed the deal with the client.
  9. программадан чыгуу же цифралык ресурстан бөлүнүү
    After saving your changes, remember to close the window before shutting down your computer.
  10. каржылык сооданы жабуу
    After realizing the market was turning against him, the trader decided to close his position in the stock.
  11. бейсбол оюнунун аягында чыгып, акыркы ауттарды алуу
    Mariano Rivera was called upon to close the game, and he delivered by striking out the side in the ninth inning.

аталыш сөз “close”

sg. close, pl. closes or uncountable
  1. аяктоо (бир нерсенин аягы)
    After months of hard work, the team celebrated the close of the year with a grand party.
  2. жабылуу (акт)
    The window moved to a close.
  3. сатуу сунушталган учур
    After presenting the benefits of the premium package, the salesman skillfully moved in for the close, asking the customer if they were ready to make their purchase today.

сын атооч “close”

close, closer, closest
  1. жакын (мейкиндикте)
    The park is so close to my apartment that I can walk there in just five minutes.
  2. тыгыз (орнотулган же жайгаштырылган)
    The two houses were built with such close proximity that you could hear the neighbors talking through the walls.
  3. дээрлик бирдей (бир нерселердин ортосундагы)
    The two runners finished the race in a close second and third, with only milliseconds separating them.
  4. жакын (адамдардын ортосундагы байланышта)
    She shared her deepest secrets only with her closest companions.
  5. аба жок (абанын жетишсиздиги сезилген)
    The air in the tiny, windowless classroom was so close that the students could hardly stay awake during the lecture.
  6. жогорку таңдайга жакын (телди колдонуу менен айтылган)
    In the word "beet," the "ee" sound is a close vowel because the tongue is raised towards the roof of the mouth.
  7. өтө кыска (кыркылган же кесилген)
    He shaved his beard so close that his skin felt completely smooth.
  8. так (баштапкыга жакын)
    The artist's rendition was a close copy of the original painting.
  9. кылдат (жасалган иште)
    During the exam, the teacher kept a close watch on the students to prevent cheating.
  10. дээрлик жетишүү (бир нерсеге)
    She guessed his age as 30, and she was very close—he's actually 29.
  11. дээрлик болуп кетүү (кырсыктан же окуядан)
    The ball whizzed by his head, missing by inches; it was too close for comfort.
  12. катуу кайтарылган (сакталган)
    The recipe for the family's famous pie is a close secret, passed down through generations.