wrong (EN)
형용사, 부사, 명사, 동사

형용사 “wrong”

wrong, non-gradable
  1. 옳지 않은
    Sorry, but that's a wrong answer.
  2. 잘못 주장하는
    She was wrong to claim that the Earth is flat.
  3. 도덕적으로 옳지 않은
    Stealing from others is wrong.
  4. 제대로 작동하지 않는
    The clock is wrong; it stopped ticking hours ago.
  5. 적절하지 않은
    She realized she's the wrong person for him.
  6. 부적합한 (문제를 일으키거나 예상과 다른 경우)
    What's wrong? You seem upset with me.

부사 “wrong”

  1. 잘못하여
    He answered the question wrong on the test.

명사 “wrong”

sg. wrong, pl. wrongs or uncountable
  1. 부정행위
    Stealing from anyone is a clear wrong that society condemns.
  2. 비윤리적 행위
    Stealing from others is an example of wrong.

동사 “wrong”

wrong; he wrongs; past wronged, part. wronged; ger. wronging
  1. 해를 끼치다
    He felt wronged by his friend who spread rumors about him.