sifat “wrong”
bentuk dasar wrong, ora bisa diukur
- salah
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
Sorry, but that's a wrong answer.
- salah (wong sing ngaku apa-apa sing ora bener)
She was wrong to claim that the Earth is flat.
- ora bener
Stealing from others is wrong.
- rusak
The clock is wrong; it stopped ticking hours ago.
- ora cocok
She realized she's the wrong person for him.
- ora pas (nggawe masalah utawa ora sesuai karo sing diarep-arep)
What's wrong? You seem upset with me.
kata kriya “wrong”
- kanthi salah
He answered the question wrong on the test.
kata benda “wrong”
tunggal wrong, jamak wrongs utawa ora bisa diitung
- kelakuan ora bener
Stealing from anyone is a clear wrong that society condemns.
- tumindak ora etis
Stealing from others is an example of wrong.
cêkapan “wrong”
infinitif wrong; dhèwèké wrongs; lampau wronged; part. lampau wronged; ger. wronging
- nglarani
He felt wronged by his friend who spread rumors about him.