명사 “limit”
- 한계
가입하세요 예문 번역과 단어의 일언어 정의를 보려면.
The speed limit on this road is 65 miles per hour.
- 경계
They traveled to the limits of the known universe.
- 극한
The limit of (1 + 1/n)ⁿ as n approaches infinity is e.
- 제한
He prefers playing limit poker because it's less volatile.
동사 “limit”
부정사 limit; 3인칭 단수 limits; 과거형 limited; 과거분사 limited; 동명사 limiting
- 제한하다
The company decided to limit expenses this year.
- 수렴하다
As x becomes large, the function limits to zero.
형용사 “limit”
- 제한적 (포커 게임에서)
She enjoys playing in limit tournaments rather than no-limit ones.