nom “limit”
- limite (restriction ou borne)
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The speed limit on this road is 65 miles per hour.
- limite (étendue ou frontière)
They traveled to the limits of the known universe.
- limite (valeur approchée)
The limit of (1 + 1/n)ⁿ as n approaches infinity is e.
- limite (jeu à mise fixe)
He prefers playing limit poker because it's less volatile.
verbe “limit”
infinitif limit; il limits; prét. limited; part. passé limited; gér. limiting
- limiter
The company decided to limit expenses this year.
- tendre vers une limite
As x becomes large, the function limits to zero.
adjectif “limit”
forme de base limit, non gradable
- à limite fixe
She enjoys playing in limit tournaments rather than no-limit ones.