
college (EN)

명사 “college”

sg. college, pl. colleges
  1. 대학
    After finishing high school, she went to college to study psychology.
  2. 단과대학
    The College of Engineering offers degrees in mechanical and civil engineering.
  3. (영국에서) 16세 이상의 학생들에게 추가 교육을 제공하는 공공 기관
    He enrolled in a local college to improve his math skills.
  4. (영국에서) 자체 건물과 교사를 보유한 대학교의 일부
    She studied at King's College, Cambridge.
  5. 협회 (공동의 직업이나 목적을 가진 사람들의 모임)
    The College of Physicians met to discuss new guidelines.
  6. 선거인단
    The president was elected by the electoral college.