
college (EN)

Nafnorð “college”

sg. college, pl. colleges
  1. háskóli
    After finishing high school, she went to college to study psychology.
  2. deild
    The College of Engineering offers degrees in mechanical and civil engineering.
  3. (almennt í Bretlandi) opinber stofnun sem veitir framhaldsmenntun fyrir nemendur eldri en 16 ára
    He enrolled in a local college to improve his math skills.
  4. (í Bretlandi) hluti af háskóla sem hefur sín eigin byggingar og kennara
    She studied at King's College, Cambridge.
  5. félag
    The College of Physicians met to discuss new guidelines.
  6. kjörnefnd
    The president was elected by the electoral college.