cêkapan “settle”
infinitif settle; dhèwèké settles; lampau settled; part. lampau settled; ger. settling
- ngrampungi
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
After talking to each other, we managed to settle the argument.
- nyelesaikake (ing hukum) ngrampungake perkara kanthi persetujuan para pihak
The company decided to settle rather than go to trial.
- ngrampungake
Let's settle the details of the trip before we book the tickets.
- ngedegake (dadi panggonan tetep)
Many people settled in the west during the Gold Rush.
- mapan
After the long day, they settled into their new sofa.
- mbayar
He settled his outstanding credit card balance.
- mandheg
The bird settled on the branch.
- ngendap
The sand settled at the bottom of the aquarium.
kata benda “settle”
tunggal settle, jamak settles
- bangku kayu sing ana lengen, dhuwur mburi, lan papan panyimpenan ing ngisoré
They placed a beautiful settle by the fireplace in their cottage.