sense (EN)
kata benda, cêkapan

kata benda “sense”

sg. sense, pl. senses or uncountable
  1. panca indra
    After eating spicy food, her sense of taste was overwhelmed for hours.
  2. kapinteran (ing babagan tartamtu)
    Her sense of direction is so good, she can navigate through any city without a map.
  3. rasa (yen iku cara sing bener)
    She had a deep sense of responsibility towards her family.
  4. rasa (umum)
    After moving to the quiet countryside, she felt a deep sense of peace.
  5. teges
    There's a lot of sense in his advice, so I always listen carefully.
  6. pangerten (babagan tumindak sing wicaksana utawa praktis)
    Having the sense to bring an umbrella on a cloudy day saved her from getting soaked.
  7. kapinteran (nggawe keputusan sing adhedhasar kawicaksanan)
    Wearing a helmet while biking is just plain good sense for safety.
  8. teges (khusus saka tembung sing duwe arti luwih saka siji)
    The word "bank" has different senses, such as the side of a river or a financial institution.

cêkapan “sense”

sense; he senses; past sensed, part. sensed; ger. sensing
  1. rumangsa
    He sensed danger the moment he walked into the dark alley.
  2. ngrasaake (digunakake kanggo mesin)
    The security system sensed an intruder and immediately sounded the alarm.