cêkapan “replace”
infinitif replace; dhèwèké replaces; lampau replaced; part. lampau replaced; ger. replacing
- ngganteni
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
After the storm, we had to replace the damaged roof tiles.
- mbalekake (nalika ngganti dhuwit utawa barang sing wis digunakake utawa dipinjam)
If you borrow money from the cash register, make sure to replace it by the end of the day.
- mulihake (nalika mbalèkaké barang utawa kaanan menyang panggonan utawa kaanan asli)
After cleaning the camera lens, he carefully replaced it in its protective case.
- njabat (nalika njupuk alih tugas utawa peran saka wong liya sing wis ninggalake posisi)
She was excited to replace the retiring manager and bring new ideas to the team.