kata benda “massage”
tunggal massage, jamak massages utawa ora bisa diitung
- pijet
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
After a long day at work, she booked a massage to help relax her sore muscles.
cêkapan “massage”
infinitif massage; dhèwèké massages; lampau massaged; part. lampau massaged; ger. massaging
- mijet
After a long day at work, John massaged his sore shoulders to relieve the tension.
- nggosok
She massaged the oil into her scalp to help with dryness.
- ngapusi data (ngowahi informasi, angka, utawa data supaya katon luwih apik)
The company massaged the sales numbers to make their performance look more impressive.