kata benda “development”
tunggal development, jamak developments utawa ora bisa diitung
- proses owah dadi luwih apik
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The development of basic skills like cooking is important for the new generation.
- cara tuwuh organisme kanthi nambah sel anyar
Frog eggs undergo rapid developments before becoming tadpoles.
- gawéan anyar (kayata teknologi)
The development of the electric car has revolutionized the automotive industry.
- paningkatan ekonomi negara utawa wilayah liwat kegiatan bisnis luwih akeh
The new factory's opening has spurred the local development by providing hundreds of jobs.
- kedadeyan utawa tahap anyar sing bisa ngowahi asil saka situasi sing lagi lumaku
The recent development in the case has led the police to a new suspect.
- proyek sing kalebu mbangun struktur komersial utawa residensial
The new housing development on Maple Street will include both apartments and townhouses.
- nggunakake tanah kanggo mbangun supaya entuk bathi
The company is planning a new housing development on the outskirts of the city.
- ing catur, nempatake potongan kanthi strategis utawa strategi mburine (strategi nempatake potongan)
In this game, careful development of her knights allowed her to control the center of the board early on.
- bagean saka komposisi musik ngendi tema dijelajahi lan diowahi
During the development of the symphony, the composer skillfully transformed the main theme, introducing complex variations that captivated the audience.