sifat “principal”
bentuk dasar principal (more/most)
- utama
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The principal reason for his success is his dedication.
kata benda “principal”
tunggal principal, jamak principals
- kepala sekolah
The principal announced new policies during the school assembly.
- pokok (jumlah dhuwit asli sing dipinjamake utawa diinvestasi, ora kalebu bunga)
She is focused on paying off the principal of her mortgage.
- prinsipal (hukum, wong sing menehi wewenang marang agen kanggo tumindak atas jenenge)
The principal granted his attorney the power to act on his behalf.
- pemain utama utawa aktor utama
After years of hard work, she became a principal in the ballet company.