cêkapan “lead”
infinitif lead; dhèwèké leads; lampau led; part. lampau led; ger. leading
- ngarahake
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The tour guide led the group through the museum, pointing out the most famous exhibits.
- nuduhake dalan kanthi dadi sing pertama
She led her friends to the hidden beach she had discovered last summer.
- mlaku menyang arah utawa panggonan tartamtu
The road leads straight to the beach.
- nyebabake
The investigation led to the discovery of new evidence.
- dadi pimpinan
She leads the team with confidence, ensuring every project is completed on time.
- ngayakake (nggawe seseorang nindakake sesuatu adhedhasar bukti utawa argumentasi)
Her inspiring speech led me to believe that the project is doable.
- dadi sing paling ngarep utawa paling penting
In the race, Sarah led the group of runners, maintaining her position at the front from start to finish.
- dadi sing paling ngarep ing kompetisi
She led the marathon from start to finish.
- miwiti game utawa ronde ing game kertu utawa domino
In our first round of bridge, Sarah led with the ace of spades.
kata benda “lead”
tunggal lead, jamak leads utawa ora bisa diitung
- tumindak utawa conto ngarahake utawa dadi pimpinan
In the dance competition, she took the lead, guiding her partner gracefully across the floor.
- dadi sing paling ngarep ing kompetisi
After the first lap, Sarah had the lead in the race.
- jumlah sing nggawe seseorang dadi sing paling ngarep ing kompetisi
With a lead of three laps, the cyclist felt confident she could win the race.
- wong sing tanggung jawab kanggo proyek utawa tim
Samantha was appointed as the marketing lead for the new campaign.
- tokoh utama ing drama utawa film
After months of auditions, Sarah was thrilled to finally land the lead in the upcoming Broadway musical.
- piranti kanggo ngarahake kewan, kaya tali pengikat
Before heading to the park, Sarah attached the lead to her dog's collar.
- kabel kanggo aplikasi listrik
Before plugging in the lamp, she checked if the lead was intact and free of any cuts.
- kesempatan jualan utawa pelanggan potensial
After attending the trade show, Sarah gathered over fifty leads for her company's new product line.
- informasi sing mbantu mbukak rincian luwih lengkap babagan sesuatu
After interviewing the witnesses, the journalist found a promising lead that could reveal the identity of the mysterious figure seen at the crime scene.
- bagian wiwitan artikel koran sing nyimpulake critane
The lead of the article grabbed my attention with its promise of uncovering the city's hidden history.
- crita utama sing ditampilake kanthi menonjol
The lead in today's evening news was about the mayor's unexpected resignation.
- ing musik, pengenalan tema dening siji swara sing banjur dijupuk dening liyane
In the choir's performance, the soprano's lead of the melody was soon echoed by the altos and tenors, creating a harmonious blend.
- jarak gerakan ulir sekrup ing siji putaran
The lead of this screw is 5 mm, meaning it moves forward 5 mm for every full turn it makes.
- beda sudut ing mesin kompaun sing mangaruhi wektu
In our compound engine, we adjusted the leads between the cranks to optimize performance.
sifat “lead”
bentuk dasar lead, ora bisa diukur
- sing paling penting utawa utama ing klompok utawa seri
She was the lead actress in the school play.
kata benda “lead”
tunggal lead, jamak leads utawa ora bisa diitung
- logam abot kanthi warna biru keabu-abuan
The plumber used a piece of lead to seal the joint in the old pipes.
- bobot kanggo ngukur jerone banyu
The sailor threw the lead overboard to measure how deep the water was beneath their ship.
- jarak vertikal antarane baris teks
Adjusting the lead will make the document easier to read by altering the spacing between the text lines.
- inti grafit saka pensil
I need to replace the lead in my mechanical pencil because it just broke.
- istilah slang kanggo peluru
When the gangsters attacked, the police officer ended up full of lead.