
ψ (EN)

文字 “ψ”

ψ, psi
  1. ギリシャ文字の第23番目の文字。
    In the Greek word "ψυχή" (psyche), the letter "ψ" is the first character.

記号 “ψ”

  1. 量子力学において、粒子の量子状態を表す波動関数。
    The Schrödinger equation describes how the wavefunction ψ changes over time.
  2. (心理学で)心理学または心理学者を表す記号。
    She decided to study psychology, often represented by the symbol ψ.
  3. (電気工学において)電気フラックス
    The electric flux ψ through the surface was calculated using Gauss's law.
  4. (物理学と生化学において)水の移動傾向を測定する水ポテンシャル。
    The water potential ψ inside the cell was higher than outside, causing water to flow out.
  5. (キリスト教で)詩篇の略語。
    The choir sang passages from ψ during the church service.
  6. 占星術において、小惑星プシケのシンボル。
    The astrologer noted the position of ψ in the natal chart.