
X (EN)

x (文字、接続詞、記号)

文字 “X”

  1. 「x」という文字の大文字形
    The name Xena starts with the capital letter "X".

数詞 “X”

  1. ローマ数字で十
    The year 2010 in Roman numerals is MMX.

数詞 “X”

  1. 第十(王や他の貴族の名前に使われる)
    King Charles X was the tenth monarch of his name to rule the kingdom.

固有名詞 “X”

  1. 失われた、または消去されたアイデンティティや遺産を示すために個人が採用した姓
    After losing connection to his African heritage due to slavery, Malcolm Little became Malcolm X.

固有名詞 “X”

  1. キリストの俗称
    Before dinner, Grandma always says, "Thank X for this meal."

名詞 “X”

単数 X、不可算
  1. エクスタシーの俗称
    At the party, someone offered him X, but he declined, knowing the risks of taking street drugs.

形容詞 “X”

基本形 X (more/most)
  1. 映画の評価「卑猥」
    His wife refused to go to the X-rated movie.
  2. 「エクストリーム」という言葉の非公式な略語
    He does some X-sports.

記号 “X”

  1. 任意の文字や単語の代わりに使用される
    The phrasal verb "to look X up" means "to search for X".
  2. さまざまな表示および標識システムで危険を示します
    The bottle was marked with a large X to warn that the contents were toxic.
  3. 化学では、ハロゲンを表します。
    The chemical formula NaXn is a general formula for a salt containing a single sodium atom.
  4. ボウリングでストライクを意味します。
    After rolling the ball, she jumped with joy when she saw an X marked on the scoreboard.
  5. スポーツでの失敗を示すシンボル
    After missing the final shot, the player's name was marked with an X on the scoreboard.