X (EN)
harf, raqam, raqam, o'ziga xos nom, o'ziga xos nom, ot, sifat, ramz

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
x (harf, bogʻlovchi, ramz)

harf “X”

  1. "x" harfining katta harf shakli
    The name Xena starts with the capital letter "X".

raqam “X”

  1. rim raqamlarida oʻn uchun belgi
    The year 2010 in Roman numerals is MMX.

raqam “X”

  1. oʻninchisi (qirollar yoki boshqa aristokratiya nomlarida ishlatiladi)
    King Charles X was the tenth monarch of his name to rule the kingdom.

o'ziga xos nom “X”

  1. yoʻqolgan yoki oʻchirilgan shaxsiyat yoki merosni bildirish uchun shaxslar tomonidan qabul qilingan familiya
    After losing connection to his African heritage due to slavery, Malcolm Little became Malcolm X.

o'ziga xos nom “X”

  1. Iso Masih uchun norasmiy atama
    Before dinner, Grandma always says, "Thank X for this meal."

ot “X”

sg. X, uncountable
  1. Ekstazi koʻcha giyohvandlik moddasiga ishlatiladigan jargon
    At the party, someone offered him X, but he declined, knowing the risks of taking street drugs.

sifat “X”

  1. film reytingi "hayosiz"
    His wife refused to go to the X-rated movie.
  2. "extreme" so'zi uchun norasmiy qisqartma
    He does some X-sports.

ramz “X”

  1. har qanday harf yoki soʻz oʻrnida ishlatiladi
    The phrasal verb "to look X up" means "to search for X".
  2. turli yorliq va belgilash tizimlarida xavfni ko'rsatadi
    The bottle was marked with a large X to warn that the contents were toxic.
  3. kimyoda, galogenlarni anglatadi
    The chemical formula NaXn is a general formula for a salt containing a single sodium atom.
  4. bowlingda zarba degan ma'noni anglatadi
    After rolling the ball, she jumped with joy when she saw an X marked on the scoreboard.
  5. sportda muvaffaqiyatsizlikni bildiruvchi ramzi
    After missing the final shot, the player's name was marked with an X on the scoreboard.