x (EN)
harf, bogʻlovchi, ramz

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
X (harf, raqam, o'ziga xos nom, ot, sifat, ramz)

harf “x”

  1. "X" harfining kichik harf shakli
    The word "xenon" starts with the letter "x".

bogʻlovchi “x”

  1. musiqada san'atkorlar o'rtasidagi hamkorlikni ko'rsatish uchun ishlatiladi
    The new hit single features Billie Eilish x Khalid.

ramz “x”

  1. matematikada noma’lum uchun belgi
    If 3x = 9, then x equals 3.
  2. Kartezian koordinatalarida bu gorizontal yo'nalishni anglatadi.
    The axis in the chart are labelled x and y.
  3. koʻpaytirish belgisini yozishning boshqa usuli
    The screen resolution is 1920x1080.
  4. CD drayvining uzatish tezligini oʻlchash usuli, bu yerda bir "x" 150 KiB soniyasiga teng.
    My old CD drive has a maximum speed of 24x, which means it can read data at a rate of 3,600 KiB per second.
  5. DVD drayvining uzatish tezligini o'lchashda bir "x" 1.32 MiB soniyasiga teng.
    My new DVD drive has a speed of 16x, meaning it can transfer data at a rate of approximately 21.12 MiB per second.