名詞 “journal”
- 日記
She kept a journal during her trip to Europe, recording all her adventures.
- 専門誌
He published his research findings in a well-respected medical journal.
- 仕訳帳(財務取引が順番に記録される会計帳簿またはデジタル記録)
The accountant updated the journal with the day's sales and expenses.
- ジャーナル (データベースやシステムの変更記録)
The system uses a journal to track all updates to the files.
動詞 “journal”
不定詞 journal; 三単現 journals; 過去形 journaled us, journalled uk; 過去分詞 journaled us, journalled uk; 動名詞 journaling us, journalling uk
- 日記を書く
She likes to journal every evening before bed to reflect on her day.
- 記録する
The scientist journaled the results of his experiments carefully.