ˈhaɪɚ US ˈhaɪə UK

hire (EN)

動詞 “hire”

不定詞 hire; 三単現 hires; 過去形 hired; 過去分詞 hired; 動名詞 hiring
  1. 雇う
    We decided to hire a new chef for our restaurant.
  2. 雇う(特定のサービスを行うために)
    We decided to hire a magician for the birthday party.
  3. レンタルする
    For the weekend party, they hired a sound system to ensure the music was loud enough for everyone to enjoy.

名詞 “hire”

単数形 hire、複数形 hires または不可算
  1. 新入社員
    The company welcomed ten new hires at the orientation session today.
  2. レンタル料金
    We paid the hire for a beach umbrella to use for the day.