hard (EN)

形容詞 “hard”

hard, harder, hardest
  1. 固い
    The rock was so hard that even the sharpest chisel couldn't scratch its surface.
  2. 難しい
    Learning to play the violin is hard for many beginners.
  3. 大変(多大な努力を要する)
  4. 中毒性のある
    Cocaine is considered a hard drug because of its high potential for addiction.
  5. アルコール入りの
    At the party, they served a punch that turned out to be hard, much to everyone's surprise.
  6. 硬水の
    The hard water in our area makes it difficult to get soap to lather properly.
  7. 鋭い影を作る
    The hard light at noon created sharp shadows under the trees, making the scene perfect for dramatic photography.
  8. 厳しい
    The teacher's hard criticism left the student feeling discouraged.
  9. 明白な
    The judge demanded hard proof of the defendant's whereabouts on the night of the crime.
  10. 物理的な形での
    I prefer reading hard copies of books rather than using an e-reader.
  11. 手作業の
    When the computer froze, I had to perform a hard shutdown by holding the power button until it turned off.
  12. 鋭角の(角度が大きい、または90度の)
    When you reach the fork in the road, make a hard right to stay on the main path.
  13. 性的に興奮している(俗語で)
    Seeing her in that tight dress made him instantly hard.
  14. 爆発音のある
    The letter "g" is hard in "goat" but soft in "giraffe."
  15. 非顎音化の
    In Russian, the consonant "г" is pronounced harder before "а" than it is before "и".
  16. 極端な
    His views have shifted towards the hard left since he started attending the new discussion group.
  17. 露骨な
    The website was blocked because it contained hard pornography, which violated the internet usage policy.

副詞 “hard”

hard, harder, hardest
  1. 力を込めて
    She pushed the door hard, but it wouldn't budge.
  2. 苦労して
    She studied hard to pass the exam.