
deal (EN)
verbo, sostantivo

verbo “deal”

infinito deal; lui deals; pass. dealt; p.p. dealt; ger. dealing
  1. distribuire
    She dealt the prizes to each winner in turn.
  2. distribuire le carte
    He dealt the final hand of the night and surprised everyone with his skill.
  3. gestire (con "con")
    I can't deal with this sudden change in our plans, so I need help.
  4. infliggere
    The boxer dealt a powerful blow that almost knocked out his opponent.
  5. commerciare (in un tipo specifico di beni)
    She deals in antique books and rare collectibles.
  6. spacciare
    He was arrested for dealing drugs in the park.
  7. lanciare (con abilità o velocità)
    The star pitcher dealt a fastball that stunned the batter.

sostantivo “deal”

sing. deal, pl. deals o non num.
  1. accordo
    They struck a deal to share the profits equally.
  2. affare vantaggioso
    I got a great deal on these laptops during the holiday sale.
  3. quantità
    He spent a good deal of time preparing for the conference.
  4. distribuzione delle carte
    After my deal, everyone seemed pleased with their cards.
  5. situazione
    What's the deal with all those boxes in the hallway?
  6. legno di conifera
    We used deal to build a sturdy bookshelf in the workshop.
  7. problema (di personalità)
    I don't know what her deal is, but she keeps complaining about everything.