verbo “deal”
infinitivo deal; él deals; pret. dealt; part. dealt; ger. dealing
- repartir
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She dealt the prizes to each winner in turn.
- repartir
He dealt the final hand of the night and surprised everyone with his skill.
- lidiar
I can't deal with this sudden change in our plans, so I need help.
- asestar
The boxer dealt a powerful blow that almost knocked out his opponent.
- comerciar
She deals in antique books and rare collectibles.
- traficar
He was arrested for dealing drugs in the park.
- lanzar
The star pitcher dealt a fastball that stunned the batter.
sustantivo “deal”
sing. deal, pl. deals o no contable
- acuerdo
They struck a deal to share the profits equally.
- ganga
I got a great deal on these laptops during the holiday sale.
- cantidad
He spent a good deal of time preparing for the conference.
- reparto
After my deal, everyone seemed pleased with their cards.
- asunto
What's the deal with all those boxes in the hallway?
- madera
We used deal to build a sturdy bookshelf in the workshop.
- rollo (personalidad o problema)
I don't know what her deal is, but she keeps complaining about everything.