
send (EN)
sögn, Nafnorð

sögn “send”

nafnháttur send; hann sends; þátíð sent; lh. þt. sent; nhm. sending
  1. senda
    She sent a thank-you note to her colleague.
  2. senda (einhvern á stað)
    The coach sent the injured player to the doctor.
  3. senda eftir
    They sent for a mechanic when the car broke down.
  4. að valda því að einhver eða eitthvað komist í ákveðið ástand eða skilyrði
    The thrilling news sent him over the moon.
  5. æsa
    This new song really sends me.
  6. að klífa leið án þess að detta
    She finally sent the difficult climb after many attempts.
  7. dissa
    The rapper sent for his rival in his latest track.

Nafnorð “send”

eintala send, fleirtala sends
  1. senda
    He re-read the email carefully before the send.
  2. sending
    The data center recorded a high number of sends during peak hours.
  3. að klífa leið með góðum árangri
    His send of the mountain's hardest route was celebrated by his team.