sögn “plumb”
nafnháttur plumb; hann plumbs; þátíð plumbed; lh. þt. plumbed; nhm. plumbing
- mæla dýpt
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
Before diving into the lake, she plumbed it to ensure it was safe.
- rannsaka ítarlega
To truly understand his character, the author spent months plumbing his protagonist's past.
- tengja við vatns- og fráveitukerfi
Before moving in, we had to plumb the new sink to ensure it had running water and proper drainage.
atviksorð “plumb”
- nákvæmlega
She fell plumb into the pool with a loud splash.
Nafnorð “plumb”
eintala plumb, fleirtala plumbs
- lóð (notað til að sýna beina lóðrétta línu)
To ensure the wall was perfectly vertical, the construction worker hung a plumb from the top edge.