plumb (EN)
fiil, zarf, isim

fiil “plumb”

plumb; he plumbs; past plumbed, part. plumbed; ger. plumbing
  1. derinliğini ölçmek
    Before diving into the lake, she plumbed it to ensure it was safe.
  2. derinlemesine araştırmak
    To truly understand his character, the author spent months plumbing his protagonist's past.
  3. su ve kanalizasyon sistemine bağlamak
    Before moving in, we had to plumb the new sink to ensure it had running water and proper drainage.

zarf “plumb”

  1. tam olarak
    She fell plumb into the pool with a loud splash.

isim “plumb”

sg. plumb, pl. plumbs
  1. düşey bir çizgi göstermek için kullanılan ağırlık (Düşey çizgi gösterme aracı olarak)
    To ensure the wall was perfectly vertical, the construction worker hung a plumb from the top edge.