
order (EN)
Nafnorð, sögn

Nafnorð “order”

eintala order, fleirtala orders eða óteljanlegt
  1. röðun
    The librarian arranged the books in alphabetical order.
  2. skipulag
    After cleaning up, the workshop was finally in order.
  3. regla (í merkingunni að fylgja reglum eða viðhalda friði)
    The teacher maintained order in the classroom by setting clear rules.
  4. skipun
    The general gave the order to retreat.
  5. pöntun
    She placed an order for a new laptop online.
  6. regla (í merkingunni trúarlegt samfélag)
    He joined the Franciscan order after years of spiritual searching.
  7. riddararegla
    He was inducted into the Order of the British Empire for his services to literature.
  8. heiðursmerki
    She was honored with the Order of Merit for her contributions to science.
  9. ættbálkur (í líffræðilegri flokkun)
    Bats are classified in the order Chiroptera.
  10. stétt
    The middle orders of society often include professionals and small business owners.
  11. vígsla (í merkingunni andlegt vald í kristinni kirkju)
    After years of study, he was finally taking holy orders to become a priest.
  12. byggingarstíll (í merkingunni hönnun og gerð klassískra súlna)
    The Parthenon in Athens is a classic example of the Doric order in architecture.

sögn “order”

nafnháttur order; hann orders; þátíð ordered; lh. þt. ordered; nhm. ordering
  1. raða
    The teacher ordered the students by height for the class photo.
  2. gefa fyrirmæli
    The captain ordered his soldiers to hold their position against the enemy.
  3. panta
    I decided to order pizza for dinner using a food delivery app.
  4. vígja (í merkingunni að gera einhvern að meðlimi klérustéttar)
    The bishop ordered the new group of seminarians as deacons in a special ceremony.