mixed (EN)

Þetta orð getur einnig verið form af:
mix (sögn)

lýsingarorð “mixed”

  1. blandaður
    He follows a mixed diet, containing both meat and vegetables.
  2. tvíbentur (inniheldur bæði jákvæð og neikvæð atriði)
    His performance received mixed reviews; some loved it, while others were less impressed.
  3. blandaður kynjum (inniheldur bæði karla og konur)
    Our office team is mixed, consisting of five women and four men.
  4. blandaður kynþáttum (upprunninn frá mörgum kynþáttum eða tegundum)
    She has a mixed heritage, with a Japanese mother and an Italian father.