sögn “mean”
nafnháttur mean; hann means; þátíð meant; lh. þt. meant; nhm. meaning
- þýða
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The word "amigo" means "friend" in Spanish.
- ætla
When she said "watch your step," she meant to warn him about the slippery floor.
- meina alvarlega
When he said he would help, he really meant it.
- valda
Forgetting to water the plants means they will eventually die.
- skipta máli (fyrir einhvern)
Winning the championship meant a lot to her.
- ætla
She meant to call you yesterday, but she got caught up with work.
- ætlaður (til ákveðins tilgangs eða örlaga)
The spare room was meant to be a nursery.
- tákna
A green traffic light means you can go.
lýsingarorð “mean”
mean, miðst. meaner, efst. meanest
- leiðinlegur
She was being mean when she refused to share her toys with her friend.
- nískur
He's too mean to even buy his friends a cup of coffee.
- meðal-
The mean score of the class on the test was 75.
Nafnorð “mean”
eintala mean, fleirtala means eða óteljanlegt
- meðaltal
To find the mean of your test scores, add them all up and then divide by the number of tests you've taken.